Notice is hereby given that the Chargee, The Receiver for National Bank of Anguilla Ltd. shall sell by Public auction the properties listed below. The auction will take place at 12:30pm on Friday 5th July, 2024 at Hannah Waver House, The Valley, Anguilla. For particulars of sale and terms contact: Cube Credit Services Limited, Auctioneers P. O. Box 328, The Valley, Anguilla B.W.I. or Email:; telephone: 264-497-3470 or visit the website at On Facebook at Cube Credit Services Ltd., Anguilla Receivershipccbnba or Receivership of CCB & NBA and our website page
Commercial lot West End
Registration Section: West End Block 17909 Parcel 13
The property is located in the West End on the outskirts of Cap Juluca, a Belmond Hotel, to the south of the main road that runs through the area, where the locality is moderately developed with a mixture of resorts, commercial and residential buildings.
The area has views of the surrounding areas including the hills of St. Maarten and Cap Juluca to the south and the Flag Luxury Resort to the east. Access is via a paved public road that goes through the area and on to Cap Juluca.
In addition to 0.50 acre of land this property also comprises of an incomplete tourism building with four main floors and a basement in addition to a detached pool and Jacuzzi. The building has a gross floor area of 21,812 sq.ft.
Reserve Price: US$1.3 million
1 (264) 497-3470
P.O Box 328, Hannah Waver House
The Valley, Anguilla AI2640
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